Credit: Photo by Danielly O.M.M.
Waste and affection
This activity is about creating your own album of waste material in order to create a perspective shift on the issue of waste. It can be done alone or proposed as a group activity, as an opportunity to facilitate conversations on the topic of waste.
Scissors, glue, envelopes or other ways to collect waste material, notebooks or old agendas to re-use, clear tape.
Can be done practically anywhere – in your house, in the park, in the garden... anywhere you feel comfortable to work.
1. Preparation : organize the materials and space taking into account the number of participants.
2. Opening : facilitate a fluid conversation about waste and related themes - practically anything can be related to the subject of waste. The goal is to explore themes relevant to the group and the environment you are in. At the end of the discussion, hand out envelopes to the participants.
3. Waste collection : provide the participants with time to collect their waste material in the enveloppes (up to one week).
4. Development : invite the participants to come together to start creating collages of the waste into their notebooks. You can play music, bring a guest artist to interact with the group, or anything else that encourages the participants to have fun building their album.
4. Finishing the albums : provide the participants with time to finish the collages in the notebook at home if they wish, as well as to reflect on the activity so far.
5. Closing : come together to show the notebooks. Talk about the experience and what has changed for each participant.